Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Serra Club of the Monterey Peninsula - going online - getting with the 90's

Today, I am happy to announce that, by copying shamelessly the Serra Club of Grand Rapids, I have started a Blog/Online Newsletter for the Serra Club of the Monterey Peninsula.

Our club does things "old school" and therefore, I am not prepared to put too much up here now.  I wanted to get started though.  So, let me share a few thoughts.

First, some good news:  We are one of the first 50 Serra Club's internationally.  There are now 1,170 clubs in 46 countries.  Serra has grown and we got in early.

Second, our club has an average duration of membership of about 40 years.  Since most members join in their early 30's, that kind of tells you our current status.

Finally and most importantly, Serra International and all the chartered Serra Clubs are dedicated to a shared vision (Vision 2017.)  Here it is:

"Serra International should be firmly established in the mindset of the Clergy and the Church's hierarchy as the faithful and dependable vocation arm of the Catholic Church."

I took that from - at minute 33:50 or so.

God Bless,
Jeff Gorman, President
Serra Club of the Monterey Peninsula

PS - if you think this could use a little flair, feel free to join our club and have at it...  hahahaha